<b>Pacific Beach</b><br>Jake and I went to a new restaurant in Pacific Beach to celebrate our dating anniversary a few weeks ago. We have now been together for eleven years. Quite amazing how quickly time passes. We had delicious food, David was in a good mood and this beautiful sunset appeared twenty minutes into our meal.
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Pacific Beach
Jake and I went to a new restaurant in Pacific Beach to celebrate our dating anniversary a few weeks ago. We have now been together for eleven years. Quite amazing how quickly time passes. We had delicious food, David was in a good mood and this beautiful sunset appeared twenty minutes into our meal.

Mini Update
I know it's been ages. I've been trying to find ways to make it easier for me to update the site without it beomcing an ordeal that I simply put off. I honestly seem to be running short of time more often than not and I still want to be able to update and keep track of my life because I like having this record. So I am going to try a few different models in the next few weeks and we'll see if any of them stick.

Last two months have been a blur to me. November was family month with my parents here for three weeks and Jake's parents here for Thanksgiving. David spent most of the month not sleeping through the night. And then he started sleeping for 12 hours and then he got sick and the teeth came out and we're back to square three.

Thanks to the holiday season end of November and first three weeks of December were a photography craziness here. I am happy I started this business and I guess I wasn't mentally prepared for its taking off so quickly so all the work wore me down. I can't really complain though since it also meant I got to buy a new camera and a nice flash. An unexpected side benefit. I was telling Jake the other day that I never imagined myself as a business-owner. I always thought I'd work for someone else sotake contracts. I never imagined that within weeks, I'd create and run my own little thing and actually turn a profit. Life's been good to me. Hectic but good.

December 23, 2005 | site related | share[]

It's amazing to see the progress David's made in the last month. He went from being immobile to a moving machine. His teeth came out all four at the same time and two more are on the way. He learned how to complain when something he wants is taken away from him and he is laughing even more than usual. He has such a delightful sense of humor. He can now stand up in his crib though he hasn't quite mastered the sitting back down part. He still continues to favor the cell phone, the house phone and the remotes to any actual toy he owns. And he's beautiful as ever. I can't believe how lucky I got.

10 months 2 weeks | share []
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