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I just love the Simpsons.

Until this year, I used to watch at least 2 hours of TV every night. I can't seem to work without the TV on. I need the noise. I've been this way since I was a little kid. During college, people would come in and out of my room at all hours and point at the TV, which was located behind me, and ask why I watched an infomercial about a cooking instrument. I had no idea what actually played on TV at any moment, I just enjoyed the noise.

Last December, I went to Japan for a six-month business trip. Going six months with no TV was a dreadful thought. Luckily, I have a portable DVD player and friends with tons of DVDs. I took over 60 movies with me. With the help of the movies and MBTV, I survived. Now that I'm back here and the new season's about to start, I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to return to watching all that TV. To be fully honest, the MBTV recaps are a lot more fun.

September 19, 2000 | previous | art & music & film | share[]
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