la jolla shores
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The trip to Turkey has been quite the growing experience for David. He's learned to go up and down staircases. He's learned to play pee-a-boo. He learned that when you run up and down a room with a metal grate, if you fall, you hurt yourself pretty badly. He discovered playgrounds and slides.

He's also started to exhibit a lot more toddler behavior. When you don't give him something he wants, he covers his face and turns his back to you. He crunches up his eyebrows and gives you a look that defines "That's not fair!" He stomps his feet. He throws himself on the floor and complains. He has adopted a variety of faces from "Oh, Come On!" to "You're Mean."

Despite the recent behavior, he's still pure joy to be with and poses quite well.

August 15, 2006 | david | share[]
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