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Another layout I made using the Cosmo Cricket line they sent to wonderful AMM.

Journaling Reads:
David, since all these layouts and books I'm making are for you and any siblings you might one day have, I wanted to make sure you had not just your stories recorded but you also knew the stories behind your mom and dad and all the wonderful memories we have between us.

It's 2007, and in a few weeks, your dad and I will celebrate our dating anniversary of thirteen years. I've been in this country for fifteen years and have spend thirteen of those with your dad. Over these years, we've collected an amazing number of memories. Our lives changed considerably, and our personalities as well.

But one of the few things that didn't change much from our first few days together is the fact that your dad is my very best friend. A few days after we met, he and I started hanging out 24/7. Especially since we were in college and it was during finals, there were no classes and we had nothing that stopped us from staying up all night and chatting. Which we did. We talked about anything and everything. We laughed all the time.

He became my closest friend within a few short days and all these years later, I still prefer to share every little detail with him over anyone else. We have a million little inside jokes and single words that conjure joyful memories.

I don't know how I got lucky enough to find your dad when I did and I am so thankful that we both had the foresight to see there was something magical there. Over the years, we've had tough times, and even tougher times but we stuck together and through it all, we stayed best friends. Today, I cannot imagine my life without him. He's a part of the air I breathe.

When something bad happens to me, I run to him for comfort. When something good happens to me, I know his joy will be genuine. I want you to know that what we have is magical and doesn't happen to everyone.

More importantly, I want you to know that I know that and appreciate what I have every moment of every day.

November 26, 2007 | scrapbooking | share[]
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