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MA-FL - Day One

After filling the car all the way up, eating Jake's mom's delicious crepes, and coming up with a vary vague plan we got on the road around 9:30am from Boston.

Since our car is brand new Jake won't drive it over 60 until we reach 500 miles. As such we're in New Jersey driving down to Atlantic City and planning to camp somewhere around there or Cape May.

My first night of camping ever is approaching fast. We're planning to stay at Belleplain State Forest in Millville. My back is already hurting from sitting in the car for seven hours, so we'll see how well it responds to sleeping on the ground.

We stopped to rearrange the car as soon as we got on to the Mass turnpike because my seat was so close to the windshield that I tought I might freak out. We then had to rearrange it again when it got so hot that Jake decided to dig for his shorts. The luggage in the trunk was locked just to make it more fun. I must say that due to my laziness and unwillingness to repack we ended up bringing enough clothes to last a month or more and about 25 pairs of shoes. You don't have to tell me - I know that it's insane. I figurw this is the mini-trip so I can afford to be insane. Yeah, right.

We walked into the hotel in AC where we parked the car. Neither one of us gambled before so we walked around and picked a machine which turned out to have 3 credits in it. We played and won 65cents. We then gambled away 50 cents at a few other machines and ended up leaving the place up 15 cents without putting in a cent of our own money. That's the kind of gambling I can deal with.

Gas: $19.64
Miles on the car: 478
Breaks: (bathroom/food/stretch/etc.): 4
Toll spent: $7.95
Parking: $2.00
States: MA, NY, NJ
Sites: Atlantic City

April 28, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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