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MA-FL - Day Four

We're down to the last two days. The first event for the wedding is at 9pm tomorrow night. We appear to be on schedule but I am never too confident about my abilities to calculate travel time using a map.

Last night's camping was awesome. The ground was on a swamp. We got there in daylight, setup camp and went into Charleston and walked around. Charleston is beautiful. With small colorful houses and cobblestone side-streets it looks like a small European village. I didn't get to take any pictures because it was late night by the time we got there.

I slept so hard that I didn't even wake up once in the middle of the night. Which is a huge accomplishment for me. We got up around 6:45 and watched the ducks that were completely unfazed by our existense and approached the tent with confidence. Racing to avoid the mosquitoes we got ready and got right on the road at 8am, the earliest we've been on the road in the last four days.

It was my turn to drive so I drove us down to Savannah which I think is the most beautiful American city I've ever been in. We took an hour and a half break and walked around the city and its amazing parks. I'd been down here with Jake's family two years ago but that was the week I'd had an MRI and found out about my herniated discs so Jake and I had had to fly back to New York. The three hours we'd spent in the city had been enough for me to know that I wanted to come back.

Today's plan was to go to Jekyll Island and camp at Daytona Beach but we ended up zooming right past Jekyll island because I wasn't paying attention and didn't tell Jake to get off at the exit. Thanks to that we changed our plans and decided to drive to Naples where my friend Ashlie happens to be and staying in her hotel room. Finally a clean shower!

Gas: $6.10@1.39 & $12.41@1.49 & $6.86@1.52
Miles on the car: 1966
Breaks: 3
Bagel lunch: $1.35
Parking: $0.50
Camping: $15.00
States: SC, GA, FL
Sites: Charleston, Savannah, Naples

April 30, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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