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Lights of Empire State

If you've been here before, you might notice the small face lift. Feel free to let me know what you think. I have plans to add more to it, but I've been meaning to do the reorg for a while now, so I'm glad I finally got to it. I'm hoping this will motivate me to write the pieces I've been meaning to.

I can happily say that this has been a good weekend so far. I've written over 4,000 words of my novel and studied quite a bit of Japanese (not as much as I should have but still, I'm not complaining) and I got to do some of my redesign. On top of that, I went out to dinner with Jake and his parents last night and we got to see Mike and Steve today. All in all, a very successful weekend.

Last night, after dinner, the four of us walked over to the Empire State Building which is a few blocks from our house. If you ever visit New York, I highly recommend going there at night. Most tourists go to the building during the day, but the view is much better at night. Actually, it's breathtaking. From that level, all the lights look like candles and the moving cars make a beautiful picture. I remember the first time Jake and I went up there and I saw the enormous Pepsi-Cola add. It's so large that there is no way to ignore this terribly distasteful ad.

Checkout CNN's election page. They took New Mexico's electoral votes away from Gore but they forgot to decrement his "states won" section. It still says 19 states when it should say 18. Heh.

Apologies for not having an excerpt today, I still have several hours of writing and studying to do and it's already almost 11pm here.


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