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I know it's lame to stop writing a few days after "I'm back" from a break. But it seems things conspired to get in the way. First, my in-laws came to visit for the first time in seven months. This meant we were out all day and not on the computer when we were home. It also meant that Jake and I went on our first dates since David was born. It was weird being out alone. It felt like we were sneaking. I did miss David a lot even though we were only gone for about 2 hours and it was while David was sleeping. I just kept thinking of him and his smile and his breathing.

The night after my in-laws left, David began his weird waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night thing which is still going on. But just to add more fun to the adventure, I threw out my back for the first time since we came to San Diego. The whole time I was pregnant, I was worried about my back suddenly starting to hurt again. I was worried I wouldn't be able to hold David as a baby and burp him. I was worried I'd be stuck in bed while everyone else held him and hugged him. Well none of that happened. I was perfectly, completely, totally fine. No real back-ache to speak of.

A week ago, something felt funny as I bent down and since then I haven't been able to stand up without excruciating pain. Last time this happened, I was on Vioxx for almost two years and I did a lot of physical therapy and acupuncture for it to get better. Well, now Vioxx is off the market, I am nursing and I can't take any medication. Except for Tylanol which I only let myself take twice a day since I don't want to medicate David. Without the medicine to take off the edge of the pain, life's been a ton of fun. Hence sitting at the computer hasn't been one of my favorite activities lately.

Hence the no updates. Forgive me yet?

I am hoping that my stupid back will miraculously heal itself since I am determined not to take any pills and have a long long way to go before I am ready to stop nursing (think months in teens not in single digits) so cross your fingers for me and hope that the pain goes away as mysteriously and quickly as it came.

The good side of the pain has been that I've been in bed more and thus reading more. And my mother in law bought me six new books for my past birthday. I just finished _Running with Scissors_ which, while nothing compared to _A Million Little Pieces_, was still a very engrossing read. I am now reading the new Paolo Coelho book. He's always an interesting and worthwhile read for me. As always, open for any and all recommendations.

September 27, 2005 | site related | share[]

I'm not exactly sure what happened but since last Monday, David's been waking up anywhere between two to four times a night. Sometimes when I leave him alone for a few minutes he'll go back to being quiet so I know he was talking in his sleep. But other times, he just cries so I go to him and I nurse him and I put him back down. Sometimes even that doesn't work, he starts crying a few minutes later again. It's been going on and off for a week now and I am not sure what's going on. He is a big stuff nosed but no fever, no other signs of illness and no teeth. I'm a bit baffled and quite sleepy.

7 months 2 weeks 6 days | share []
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