<b>Night Shot II</b><br>Another night shot from two weeks ago's trip. You can see I have a long way to go, but it was still a lot of fun. Kit Lens. La Jolla Shores Beach.
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Night Shot II
Another night shot from two weeks ago's trip. You can see I have a long way to go, but it was still a lot of fun. Kit Lens. La Jolla Shores Beach.

Land of Unknown
Well I just entered my due week. I am sure you're sick of reading about the baby and honestly, I want to write about other stuff, too. I am reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and it's a fantastic book and it's making me think a lot and generally those kind of books generate a lot of blog entires for me.

However, I am so big and contracting so much that I can't seem to function much anymore. You try sleeping with a big, hard rock attached to your stomach and let me know how it goes. Part of me is scared of all the changes life will bring with this baby and that part knows that I should prolong labor as much as possible. While I might not be able to get sleep now, at least I don't have a baby that completely depends on me. (Actually, I already do but it somehow doesn't feel as real).

The other part of me can't wait to finally see the little thing that's been living in me for 9 months. I'd lie and say I am all calm about labor but I am scared shitless. Actually, I am scared shitless of the whole thing. I tend to enjoy predicatability. I don't mean that I am afraid of unknown things cause I've ventured into the unknown many times in my life. I moved to the US for college all by myself. I lived in Japan for six months not knowing a word of the language and hating all the food. I left my cushy Wall Street job for a teaching job I believed in and then left that for a city I'd never seen in my life. I'm not afraid of conquering the unknown. In general.

This time, it's different. This time it affects more than just me. Or Jake and me. I am bringing this little creature into the world because I wanted to and regardless of his or her wishes, she or he will hopefully live for a long long time in this world because of me. I will get to decide how s/he begins life. I will choose the first few friends. The first school. The clothes and experiences this baby will have until s/he is old enough to make decisions. That's a huge load of responsibility.

In my mind, having a baby, and then a child, means that I am now fully subscribed into the land of the unknown. As opposed to venturing there every now and then, I will be taking permanent residence there. That might be exciting to a lot of people. It's a bit scary to me. I couldn't imagine doing it for a better reason but, it's still quite overwhelming.

I am hoping that the day to day life will leave me with little enough time that I won't ponder the weight of this too often. That, and the hormones finally leaving my body, should help, too.

January 31, 2005 | personal | share[]
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