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The highway to Shreveport (I-49) was completely empty and perfectly straight so we were able to maintain an average of 80m/h all the way to the camp site. Since the beginning of the trip, last night was the first time we got to a site when the attendant was still around. We set up tent, started our laundry, and drove to a drive-in, Sonic, for some yummy food. The place was overtaken by cheerleaders so we had a long wait but were able to make it back to the camp site in time to see the lunar eclipse. It was magnificent.

We then drove to Hot Springs, Arkansas; the home of ex-president Clinton. The Hot Springs National Park was windy and thick with trees. The road up reminded me of the curvy Praslin roads in the Seychelles. Unfortunately it started pouring rain so we couldn't see the springs and decided to drive through Little Rock before rush hour.

It poured all the way to Memphis, Tennessee. We kept hearing tornado warnings on the radio but made it to Memphis at 7pm or so. We spent some time shopping for hotels, since camping in the heavy rain was out of the question. We found a travelodge for 40 bucks, checked in and went to the movies. Off to see Down With Love.

There were only six of us in the theater. I assume that had something to do with the Matrix playing on 4 screens and Xmen in another 3. In the middle of the movie, lights went out for a second and the generator kicked in. About four minutes later a theater personnel came in and told us all to go to the lobby because the tornado looked like it was coming our way. We waited in the lobby for about twenty minutes when some official announced the tornado had passed us and the movies would resume. We finsihed the movie and drove to the hotel. I saw some of the brightest and biggest lightning I've ever seen on the way back.

Gas: $10@1.35
Miles on the car: 4509
Lodging: East Shreveport KOA camp site @ $20.36
States: LA, AR, TN
Sites: Shreveport, Hot Springs National Park, Memphis

May 17, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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