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Kevin Bacon

Three years ago, I walked into my then-boss' office and we started chit chatting and she showed me pictures from her wedding. As I stared at picture number three, I was blown away? "What's this girl's name?" I asked, knowing the answer full well. My boss confirmed my suspicions. The girl who stared at me from the picture was none other than the ex of my ex. Funny enough, she was now dating my boss's ex.

To make matters even more creepy, we ran into the two of them at a flight to Missouri. They were seated along the aisle from us.


When I was in college, the mother of one of the admission counselors had just come back from Turkey. She showed me a photo she'd taken with a guy who shared the same bus with her when she traveled south. The guy was my best friend from home. My first boyfriend.


Today I was chatting with someone whose weblog I stumbled upon by chance and I find out that his best friend went to the same school as Jake and me. To add to the absurdity, he and Jake were in the same dormitory for several years. I may have even seen this guy many times.


I think Disney might be right; it's a small world after all.

Previously? Immobile.

April 13, 2001 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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