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For every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.- source

I believe in karma.

I like the idea of karma. The idea that the consequences of your actions affect future events sounds very appealing to me. If we all acted as if our actions would come back to haunt us, it might encourage us to ponder longer before we act.

Karma might even encourage people to commit random acts of kindness. Smiling to a stranger on your way to work. Holding the door to someone carrying bags of groceries. Calling with happy birthday wishes. Calling just to say hi.

If you believed in karma, you'd also believe that the more good vibrations you send 'out there', the more chances you have of receiving luck and happiness. So you'd try to be as kind as you can, for no specific reason. Wouldn't it be neat if everyone did that?

On Friday, Jake and I saw Vanilla Sky. A movie with Tom Cruise and Jason Lee was already too good to be true. Even if it had absolutely no point, I would have easily paid the twenty bucks for two hours of watching my two favorite male actors. But, as an added bonus, the movie turned out to be a trip.

I don't want to give away the twisty ending, so I won't tell you a major premise of the movie. But in the end, it was about consequences. About showing that each move you make can alter your potential future. That each action, even if seemingly small, has consequences, and if you don't consider them, you might have to pay for them. You will have to pay for them.

Yet how many of us really think of our actions? I mean, really think about them. Each time we don't reply to a kind email or return a phone call. When we cut in front of someone in traffic or don't wait to hold the elevator for someone walking down the hall. When we tell small, white lies that are supposedly for the good of the other person. When we act like we care even though we know we don't. When we fake listening while we think of other things. How many of us ponder the consequences of our selfishness? ,

Too few, if you ask me.

There's no such thing as a meaningless act. Everything has consequences.

Previously? Point of No Return.

December 16, 2001 | previous | psychology & philosopy | share[]
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