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One of the reasons I love having a little kid like David is his incredible ability to share joy. He's so expressive with his happiness that it's contagious. Last week, we went to the Google Halloween party and they had an inflatable cauldron where a witch came in and out of it and each time the witch came out, David shrieked with joy. Pure, unadulterated joy. It was so amazing that everyone around him was laughing at his intensity.

It's funny how such things become socially unacceptable over time. It's sad how we don't feel (or at least) express that kind of happiness anymore. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt that good and I wonder if I ever expressed myself the way he does. But this is sort of why I wish it was okay to be straightforward with people. Not only is expressing outlandish joy pooh-poohed upon, but so is telling people you think they're great. If you say things like that you must either be hitting on the person or have an ulterior motive.

Some days I wish it was okay to tell people that you think they're awesome and interesting and you're glad they're in your life. Like an official "go tell people you like that you like them" day or something. I wish people knew how to take compliments and say thank you. I wish people heard you and believed you and it actually made them feel good. I certainly value the bad more than the good. When someone compliments me, they mustn't know what they are talking about and when they bash me, they must be right. But I wish I was good at listening and hearing, too. Even if just for one day.

National express-joy-like-a-toddler and take-compliments-well day.

November 05, 2007 | personal | share[]
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