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I don't get jetlag.

This August, I will have been living in the United States for ten years. During college, I used to go home twice a year: Christmas and summer. Since my nephews were born, I've been trying to go home as often as every three to four months. With that many trips back and forth, one can waste a lot of time over jetlag.

During the week I spend at home, I don't even switch my watch to Turkey-time. I just keep adding 7 each time I glance at it. Impractical, you say? Well, habits are hard to break. I feel like if I don't change the watch, I will be in tune with both time zones at all times.


We came home two nights ago and as of 7pm tonight, by body is screaming "Please please let's sleep." My brain tries to explain to my body that if it could only hold out for a few hours, life would go back to normal much more quickly. And yet, here I am, staring at my computer, forcing myself to write an entry.

The truth is my brain is almost completely shut down, making it impossible for me to come up with something pithy or funny. Okay, so I'm never funny, but you get my point.

So I spent ten days in Istanbul. Our parents got along really well. I took over 300 pictures. I spent a wonderful night chatting with my sister until 3am while the kids were sleeping in the same room. I found a beautiful wedding dress and comfy shoes. I got my invitations printed. I bought shoes, skirts, dresses and pants. And lots of books. I read the Time Machine and finished most of the Count of Monte Cristo. I had a wonderful hot chocolate with my best friend, Levent. I got to see my best friend Milka and her son Moris. I had an amazing engagement party. I got wonderful presents. I slept, I relaxed. I felt glad to be alive and thankful for my life.

So, I spose if the cost of these incredible ten days is a bit of jetlag, I could do much worse.

I'm off to bed to doze off while I read the rest of the Count of Monte Cristo.

I promise to do my best to get awake and pithier soon.

Tho, I am leaving for Boston day after tomorrow.

Previously? People Watching.

February 13, 2002 | previous | travel | share[]
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