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Another mini inspired by a song. one by Alanis Morissette. I was feeling very emotional earlier in the week so I dug up my very newly bought type-writer and just let myself type away. to talk about all the things that make me feel incomplete. I then cut up the box my CI products came in and made a mini using Karen Russell's amazing Narratives papers and Samantha Walker's holey cardstock. It was really therapeutic. I feel better now :)

Here's all the journaling:

you will never be pretty
you will never be skinny
the conversations in your head
are too loud
the little girl inside
is broken
don't try to fix her
it's pointless
give up that it matters
you have family now
pretty is just skin
eyes, nose,
who cares if you're not
the prettiest of them all.

you seek acceptance
from the wrong people
you don't hear the nice
just the critical
you will not get it
choose to seek from
those who already do
there is no formula
do what works for you
accept yourself
give up that you're
not worthy
believe those who say
you are
not the others.

you will never feel
because as soon as it comes
you dismiss it
you move on to the next
always a bigger one
harder one
never satisfied or content
never even savor the moment
so give up that success matters
what matters is
the challenge

be happy
just do it
there is no trick
give yourself permission
to wallow and then move on
life's too short
just give this one up
be happy
let it happen
let joy in

you are loved by people
let them
believe them
it does not matter
if everyone doesn't
love you
give up that
you need it
all you need is

it all starts with
you karen
believe in yourself
trust yourself
forgive yourself
give yourself
love and
believe in
your incomplete

Thank you to Creative Imaginations and A Million Memories for the beautiful paper.

June 24, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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