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I Don't Know
"Blessed are those who are not afraid to admit that they don't know something." - The Zahir by Paolo Coelho

One of my biggest pet-peeves is when people don't admit if they don't know something. I had a friend like that. There were times when it was obvious he wasn't following me and yet he'd simply nod and act like he was completely following me.

I find this to be true for both men and women, but for different reasons. Men are too macho and it's not "macho" to admit that you may not know something. Women are too scared to look stupid, expecially when they talk to someone who isn't. It drives me absolutely bonkers in both cases. Fact is, won't you stay stupid if you never admit you don't know something and thus never ask and never learn?

Somehow I misses the memo that said it was embarrassing to ask questions. I ask shit all the time to everyone. First of all, I find people like talking about stuff they know. Secondly, they love when they have the opportunity to teach you something. It makes them look good. So there's an opportunity for you to learn something AND to make the other person feel good.

Why, exactly, would you pass that up?

Also, why does not knowing something make you look stupid? None of us know everything and we could all learn from each other if only we weren't afraid to ask.

So, next time you have the opportunity to learn from someone. Seize it.

And then let me know,too, so I can learn!

September 29, 2005 | literature | share[]

Well David's sleep is still not back to normal but he woke up only twice last night (well three if we count the five am wake up). No teeth in sight still. But I'm crossing my fingers. Well, actually.... While I want the congestion to disappear and the teeth to come out so they stop hurting, I am not dying for the pain they will surely induce on the tender parts of my flesh.

7 months 3 weeks 1 day | share []
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