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As the holidays approach, I get more and more homesick. One of the downsides of being so far away from home is not being able to visit my family on a whim. Usually, I'm fine with this major choice that I've made. But at times, especially during the holiday season, I just can't bear being so far away.

Two days ago a close friend of the family came to New York. My mother, as is often the case, sent me a package with her. She sent me the marrons glaces I mentioned earlier this week. She also sent me the following photograph of my sister, brother-in-law and my twin nephews.

When I look at that picture, my heart melts and I suddenly feel that all my selfish reasons for living a million miles away from my family are terrible. I want to be there. I want to see my nephews walk and talk. I want them to see my face and smile just the way their faces light up when my mother enters the room. I want to hug them every single day.

Sometimes my decisions are too hard to live with.


December 20, 2000 | previous | family | share[]
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