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Hitting Kids

I seem to have a strong aversion against people who hit their children. As I walk down the street, if I see a parent yelling at or slapping her kid, I feel like kicking the shit out of her or him. Honestly, I can't think of any cases where the kid deserves a slap. This is how we introduce violence to the society, not through movies or stupid computer games.

I have the same problem with people who treat their dogs that way. Or people who kick pigeons. Why must you enjoy someone else's pain? Just let everyone be! Especially the animals and children. Ok, done lecturing.

Actually one more thing. As a dog person, I feel like all dog people should be nice and approachable humans. That's what differentiates the dog people from the cat people. (Tho I admit to being both, I lean slightly more towards being a dog-person.) When I see an owner walking his puppy on the street and she gives me this don't-you-dare-come-near-my-pet look, I feel peeved.

This time, I'm really done, I promise.

August 29, 2000 | previous | pet peeve | share[]
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