<b>In Flight</b><br>I have conflicting feelings about this photo. I don't like the colors but I like the motion. I wish it were better quality somehow. It's taken in Oceanside with the zoom lens. Pelicans are quite amazing and it's really quite a luxury to get to see them as often as we get to see them in San Diego.
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In Flight
I have conflicting feelings about this photo. I don't like the colors but I like the motion. I wish it were better quality somehow. It's taken in Oceanside with the zoom lens. Pelicans are quite amazing and it's really quite a luxury to get to see them as often as we get to see them in San Diego.

Happie Joy Joy
I don't have much to say today. Or at least I am not in the mood to say it so I thought I should point you to Oso's thought-provoking post on happiness. It's worth the read.

I commented that I tend to be less happy when I'm free and he replied that he does that, too, but it's mostly due to avoidance. I agree with him partially. Sometimes there is a genuine issue brewing under and in that case it's really a bad idea to avoid it and repress it down further so it's harder to recall next time. Some stuff gets represed so much that we don't even know it's there anymore. That's bed news cause it is bound to come up eventually and it's not a pretty picture when it does.

Having said that, I do think that sometimes it's best not to have too much time to think. There are times when I have nothing better to do and so will take a small thing and blow it right out of proportion. I will spend a huge amount of energy stressing about it and I will make myself miserable. All this not because the issue really warrants being sad, but because I have too much time on my hands. How pathetic is that?

The good news is, once the baby comes, too much free time won't be a phrase I can utter until the baby is in college.

January 13, 2005 | psychology & philosopy | share[]
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