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More Than Words
Yesterday's lyric, "And if you said this life ain't good enough, I would give my world to lift you up." is from Smooth by Rob Thomas and Santana.

Here's today's lyric: "You want a part of me? Well I'm not selling cheap."

Know the source? Hate these lyrics? Have better suggestions?

Goody Links
If you're into books, and I am if you haven't guessed so far, you'll enjoy the mp3lit page with lots of mp3s on books read by their authors. While it is hard to navigate and it's still missing most of my favorite authors, I did enjoy listening to Kurt Vonnegut and Anthony Burgess. They also have poetry and non-fiction. Thanks go to megnut for this link. Go listen to some books!

For the last three months, I've been going to the gym here at work. I've never been a shower-in-public person. I don't feel comfortable being naked around other people. To be totally honest, I don't even feel comfortable being naked alone. I'm sure many people would say that it means I am oppressed and have issues. Most likely, they're right. I always told myself that if I can get rid of the weight I gained during college, I can be at peace with my body once again, but I'm not even sure that's true. While I'd finally be more comfortable, I still don't think I can prance around naked in a room full of other people, even if they are all members of my gender. Maybe I should have gone to burning man, it might have freed me. It's really not possible for me not to be self-conscious. If anyone has any good suggestions, I'm all ears.

One of the greatest things about sleeping in the same bed with a male is that men are walking heaters. As I lay in bed, shivering, I feel utterly thankful for the heat Jake's body gives off. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for why men are much warmer than women. While I look into the matter, I'm gonna keep enjoying my personal heater.

Some people have differing thoughts about the TiVo Giveaway. I think it's perfectly fine not to enter. I already wanted one. I can't function without the TV on, so it'd be good to have the shows I enjoy instead of most of the crap I end up having to watch.

Oh, and, Happy New Year.

Exactly one week from today, I'm flying home. Hooray!

September 29, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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