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Grand Cayman Island

After a magnificent week in the Grand Cayman Island, we made it back to New York and are already on our way to Istanbul. I can't wait to hug my nephews.

Save for the obnoxious allergies I had all week, the Caymans was truly enjoyable. We stayed with our friends Adam and Crystal and their friends John and Elsa. The view outside our balcony would have looked too perfect even for a postcard. We could see all the way to the bottom of the aquamarine water. We went diving (with an instructor since neither of us had a license) three times and hand-fed sting rays. We saw a plethora of colorful fish of all sizes and very colorful coral.

I will write more about our trip and post our pictures when I land in Turkey, hug my nephews, sleep and log in.

June 12, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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