<b>You Lookin' At Me?</b><br>This little bird was part of the Wildlife Day exibit in Balboa Park last weekend. The show included hawks, owls, tortoises, snakes, opossums, crows, hummingbirds, and ravens. As you can see from the image, the animals were pretty close which made it easier to take photos. One little bird had gone loose and flown to a tree nearby. This little one was obviously not excited by my camera. Taken with the f4 70-200.
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You Lookin' At Me?
This little bird was part of the Wildlife Day exibit in Balboa Park last weekend. The show included hawks, owls, tortoises, snakes, opossums, crows, hummingbirds, and ravens. As you can see from the image, the animals were pretty close which made it easier to take photos. One little bird had gone loose and flown to a tree nearby. This little one was obviously not excited by my camera. Taken with the f4 70-200.

Gotta Pee
Pregnant women pee a lot. This is a known fact. Most of them have a hard time peeing a whole bladder-full at a time and thus take many unsuccessful trips to the bathroom.

That's not my problem.

Each time I make a trip to the bathroom, it's a worthwhile visit. My problem is the number of visits I make to the bathroom in any given night. We tend to go to bed somewhere from 9 to 10pm. I generally lie in bed and read for a little bit so help me to go sleep. In the 15 minutes or so that's my "get ready to sleep" time, I go to the bathroom three times. There are many days when I go come back, go into bed and have to go again. It's not "psychological" either. I pee each time. More than a few drops. So don't go around thinking I am insane. I just seem to be producing pee in Superman speed.

Once I go to sleep, my lovely bladder wakes me up every one and a half hours for a trip. That means that on a night where I sleep from 10pm to 7am, I wake up six times. If you add that to the three I did right before sleep, I go to pee NINE times between 9pm and 7am. It seems to me that that should be physically impossible. But it's not. I am living proof.

After several nights of this, I have decided maybe I should just move into the bathroom at night. Sleep on the toilet. It might be a bit comfortable but I bet, if I work on it, I can manage to pee without waking up and actually get a full night's sleep.

November 15, 2004 | personal | share[]
San Diego in November
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