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Going Home

Have I mentioned I’m going home? I did? Really? Cause it’s TODAY! A few hours from now, I will be on a plane taking me to my land. I can’t wait to see the smiles on my nephew’s faces and I can’t wait to hug my parents and my sister and brother in law and all my friends.

I also can’t wait to settle in the plane and have several hours to catch up on my reading and my homework and think about my novel. I hope they show decent movies. As much as I hate being cramped up in that small seat for so long, I love the sensation of being in the air. One of my dreams is to get to fly a plane. One day.

I thought last night’s debate was a lot more civil and mature and I’m amazed that the candidates even answered most of the questions. I’m not sure why I got so involved at this year’s elections since I can’t vote and I used to hate politics. I still hate it, I think, but I find it fascinating lately. Especially with how close this year’s race will end up.

The fall season is about to start and I still haven’t received my TiVo. As someone who can’t function without the TV set on, I am hoping and praying that it will arrive soon.

Well, my next post will be from Istanbul, hopefully. I will try to update daily there, too.


October 06, 2000 | previous | family | share[]
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