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We made it to New Orleans on Monday night around 9pm Lousiana time. Since we've been driving and not flying, we totally didn't remember the time change. In Alabama, we stopped to look for a AAA store so we could get a guide for New Orleans and when we finally found the place our car said 5:15 and the door said they closed at 5. We ran in and felt thankful they were somehow still open. Only after we got all the books and maps did we realize that it was actually 4:15 in Alabama and they were supposed to be open all along.

On Saturday night when we stayed in Adel, Georgia we asked the Days Inn checkin how much the rooms were downstairs (the ad we saw said rooms were $35 upstairs) and she quoted $45. When we asked what the difference between the upstairs and downstairs rooms were she said 'Stairs.' I kid you not. She said people are willing to pay ten bucks more not to walk up 8 steps.

We arrived in New Orleans late night and went to town right after setting up tent. The mosquitoes at the camp site were vicious so we did everything extra fast. We drove right to Bourbon Street and Toulouse and parked our car at the Ramada. We walked up and down Bourbon as I tried to get used to the overwhelming stench of liquor and vomit. My first night in the French Quarter didn't leave me very impressed. I thought the houses were pretty but the odor was too strong and there wasn't much to do for a non-drinking female. We used the side entrance of Ramada as a sneaky way to get access to a clean bathroom after a delicious Gyro meal. We then drove to the camp ground at 1:30 after having been awake for over 19 hours because we'd gotten up at 6am for Jake's brother's graduation.

Gas: $6.47@1.21 in Georgia, $4.64@1.42 and $12.18@1.29 in Alabama
Miles on the car: 3500
Lodging: one night at Days Inn in Adel, Georgia @$35, one night at the Shellmont Inn in Atlanta, one night at the New Orleans East KOA camp site @$24
States: GA, AL, MI, LA
Sites: Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans

May 14, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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