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Here's another one of my layouts from the Cloud 9 Spotlight for AMM.

Journaling Reads:
I don’t like traveling.

I definitely don’t like traveling on a plane. Not since you were born. Not since security checks became hours long. And not since I have to carry all your stuff and my stuff as a carry on. I used to love to fly, but now, given the choice, I will always choose to drive somewhere than fly there.

Last month, your dad’s brother got married in Nashville. Unfortunately, driving there would have taken us days so we had no choice but to fly. To make matters worse, there were no direct flights from here to there. I may hate flying but I hate layovers ten times more. Rushing from one plane to another, stressing about all our luggage, making it to the flight on time, getting your car seat settled in and making sure we can find a seat so all three of us can sit together. None of these are my idea of fun.

So I’d been dreading the whole trip. And as we flew to Kansas City, I whined the whole time. As I deplaned and found the next flight, I was still twitchy and stressed out. I was so impatient that I managed to find ways to get on your dad’s last nerve.

But, as always you came to the rescue.

While I was checking my watch to see when we’d board, you walked right up to the metal box for checking your carryover size and climbed into it. You sat your pretty bottom down and proceeded to read the brochure you dad gave you. By the time I looked up, half the passengers were smiling.

I couldn’t help but do the same.

My wonderful boy, you constantly find wways to make me laugh and remind me that there’s joy in every little moment with you.

November 04, 2007 | scrapbooking | share[]
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