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from calm to psychotic in under 60

Goody Links
Ever wondered the history of chewing gum or potato chips? Here's a great site for the history of just about everything. [ via MetaFilter ]

In case you were convinced that Bush won, over a month later you still can't be sure. I wonder how many people's careers are gonna be over before we get a new president?

from calm to psychotic in under 60
This morning I woke up much better than yesterday. My back was still aching but I'd actually managed to sleep most of the night so I figured that had to be a good sign. On the way to work, flurries of snowflakes were falling and I smiled. I love snow, especially when it's sweet and non-intrusive like it was.

Until 3:45, I was having an okay day. Small frustrations of getting my schedule together were annoying but not enough to throw me off. My sign language class is offered on Tuesdays now so I was actually happy. And then....and then my so-called doctor's office called.

I went to this doctor for the first time on Monday morning. I specifically asked how long the appointment takes cause I had a 10am class and they told me it would be no problem. No problem my ass. I got out of there at 10:25 and then I still had to call back to schedule a follow-up appointment. When I got out of my class, on the way to another, I called the office and had to call three times just to be able to get an appointment. That morning when I was seeing the doctor, I told him I really didn't favor taking pills and he said that while he agreed with me, he still wanted to put me on steroids cause he said it would heal my disc problems immediately. So I said fine and started taking all three medications he prescribed.

Yesterday, after having spent a painful and sleepless night, I called the doctor's office at 9am and asked them to find out why I was still in enough pain not to be able to sleep. The fucking office calls me back a day and a half later, and the stupid-ass secretary says she's gonna put me on another medication and that the doctor wants me to schedule an MRI. To say the least, I freaked. I asked the chick whether I was supposed to take this new medicine in addition to what I already was taking and she said yes. I asked her why I needed an MRI and she goes, "Look I have no idea, I'm telling you what the doctor told me. He looked at your chart and told me to do this." So I tell her about how totally unresponsive this doctor's been to me and how I will have to change doctors and she goes "Well, I thought I was being real nice to you." I must tell you that at this point, she probably could not have said anything without me blowing up.

So I hung up and called Jake who told me to call my regular doctor (who is wonderful and amazing) and ask for another doctor. I call the woman's office and she's gone for the day. Her very patient and kind nurse listens to me as I cry and babble over the phone about how I wanna know why I need to take even more medication and how I'm still in pain after these steroids and how this doctor won't tell me what's going on. I just went berserk. I'm at work and I'm weeping. I call my poor mother all the way in Turkey at 11:30pm, still blabbering.

In the meantime, I call NYU to schedule this MRI and the woman tells me I need a permission number to be able to schedule an MRI and since this is a regular procedure, the doctor's office should have already given me one and the hospital can't schedule an MRI without it. So I call the office back and the woman's totally clueless and she says she'll need a few days to get me this number. Let alone the fact that the earliest MRI appointment I can get at this moment is already 10 days away.

As I get off the phone, I realize my regular doctor did call me back and is now leaving to go home. I struggle to call her back but her office is closed so I get her paged. The paging service is a total bitch and hangs up on me as soon as she has my number. This amazing doctor calls me back from God knows where and she calms me down. She tells me that I'm probably having an emotional reaction due to one of the medications I'm taking. She tells me that she wants me to change doctors and says that I totally should feel comfortable with my doctor and gives me another name to call at 9am on Monday morning. I ask her if I'm supposed to take this additional anti-inflammatory medication the other doctor gave me and she goes "But you're already taking an anti-inflammatory" and she says that one should never take two anti-inflammatory medications at the same time. So she tells me to go home and lie down and ignore the other medication. She's kind, she's wonderful, and she’s amazing.

I go to the pharmacy where the asshole doctor called for my prescription and the pharmacist says that with the current medication I'm taking he would recommend highly against my taking this additional medication. I tell him my general doctor agreed and that I refuse to take this new prescription and come home to lie down.

All of this in about 40 minutes. I am now dying with pain and that doctor is extremely lucky he's nowhere near my vicinity.

Why do doctors in this country suck so hard? What happened to personal care and attention?


December 08, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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