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Forgive and Forget

I tend to make friends easily.

Well, maybe not friends but acquaintances. For the most part, I'm outgoing and it's easy to hold conversations with me. So at a party, I mingle well and make many acquaintances. I'm also often spread thin so I know many people from different situations/commitments. During college, I knew just about anyone in my year and the two years above and below me.

Becoming my friend, however, is a complicated and time-consuming task. Probably as a result of my past, I take a real long time to truly trust a person.

Having said that, once someone becomes my friend, it's pretty much a done deal for life. I try to always to my best to be there for my friends and make sure that they always feel comfortable coming to me for anything. I'm not trying to boast, I believe that's what friendship is all about, so I'm no more special than the next person.

So what do I do when a friend hurts me? How much do I forgive? How far is too far?

Such questions occupy my mind at times. Some people would say that you should always forgive accidental malice and others would say friends should know better. I would assume the ranges of unacceptable behavior would change from person to person. I have my own list. What's on yours?

I've lost friends from not having kept in touch. I've lost friends from our priorities and routes having split. I've lost friends due to large distances that came between us. But all of those are temporary losses. As soon as our paths cross once more, it will be like we never parted.

The ones who've hurt me will have a totally different fate. Over the years, I've learned to forgive, but I don't think I will ever learn to forget. I never forget my own fuck-ups, why should I forget others'? To be totally honest, even though I forgive my friends things never really are the same.

That's the problem with trust, once it's broken it's not truly replaceable.

If you break a vase and then glue it back together, you can still see the break marks. As much as both parties might try to ignore them, if we were all being honest, we'd have to admit that you can't go back.

So don't fuck with other people's trust.

Previously? And the Chicks for Free.

March 29, 2001 | previous | friendship | share[]
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