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Fleeting Moments

Lately, I seem to be suffering from a problem that only occurs when I have too much free time on my hands. I get fleeting moments of inspiration where I want to work very hard and finish a task I've been putting off. I'll be sitting in a movie theater and think that as soon as I get home, I'll write that code I promised Jake, or that I'll update parts of my site that are outdated. Or that I'll finish the presents I wanted to send to people who hosted us throughout the cross country trip. Or that I want to sit and write. I make mental lists. For that fleeting moment, I feel that I can do all those things. I feel energetic and enthused about my projects. I feel driven.

And then the moment passes. I come home and read my mail and don't really feel like doing much else. I take a break and read for a while, hoping the moment will come back, but it doesn't. Not until a day later, when least expected.

When I'm working I don't seem to have time for these fleeting moments. I am generally too busy for them. I run from one place to another getting things done instead of thinking about getting things done.

August 24, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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