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My mother does house finishing. She goes to people's houses after they're furnished and gives them a 'feel' (yep, she actually gets paid to do that). A few weeks ago, she was asked to do a restaurant and we were very excited. She started really small, doing the houses of friends and grew bigger with the word of mouth and this restaurant was a great deal to me. She was really excited and spent a lot of time perfecting her vision for this place. The night before the arrangement, she brought all the paintings and pieces to the restaurant and went back home. That night, the place burned. Yep, burned. Well, mostly the attic, which was full of offices, burned but since the building is really old (a historical sight actually) they had to shut down the restaurant and they're not sure if it will ever reopen. Amazing, how your life can completely turn around in a split second.

I was going to write a long diatribe about this but I decided not to. I am not on any list and I don't personally know any of the people who are mentioned and I'm not sure I want to start some major thing, so I will keep my thoughts on the matter for now. But I might come back to it. If you have an opinion you want to share, you can post on the MetaFilter thread or mail me and I'll be happy to share my thoughts privately.

I have an oral exam in my sign language class on Monday. (Yes, I do see the humor in that sentence.) It's my final class for this level and my little story will decide whether I pass or fail. I am to come up with a 3-minute talk using the vocabulary learned in this class. The subjects we learned are; years (telling a life story thru years), different countries, describing shapes of objects, cooking related signs, and food related signs. If you can come up with a story using those, please please mail me. I will be eternally grateful.


November 15, 2000 | previous | family | share[]
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