<b>Mussels</b><br>This macro shot was taken at Santa Barbara over Thanksgiving. We drove up the coast and stopped at a random state beach. The seaside along the coast is so beautiful and so full of life that there are unlimited possible photos. Taken with the 50mm 2.5Compact Macro.
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This macro shot was taken at Santa Barbara over Thanksgiving. We drove up the coast and stopped at a random state beach. The seaside along the coast is so beautiful and so full of life that there are unlimited possible photos. Taken with the 50mm 2.5Compact Macro.

Falling Behind
I spend a certain amount of energy every day thinking about what I'm going to write here. I formulate the idea in my mind and then think of how I will put it all down. It doesn't all come together until I sit down to type it all up.

The last few days have been even more hectic than usual. I have started Childbirth Preperation classes and I have CPR and Breastfeeding coming up, too. I now have to go to the doctor once every two weeks and not monthly since I am much closer to delivery. I'm having an even harder time sleeping since my belly is heavy enough to strain my back muscles and give me random cramps. I pee even more than before, if that's possible to imagine. So I am so tired that I do the typical bored student thing at my desk: my head falls over as my eyes close and I jerk myself back up.

My company will be closing for the holidays in ten days and by the time they come back I will be 36 weeks or so and possibly too tired, too big and too stupid to function. Thus, I am trying to squish in all the big projects I've been meaning to do. This makes my days full of frenzy and I don't have enough personal time to get my own projects done. Thus the website suffers.

I am sure stuff won't get easier when the baby comes but I am hoping I will eventually learn to organize everything back to some sort of schedule. Cross fingers.

All this is to thank you for visiting even when I don't update regularly and to let you know that I am going to do my best to update regularly.

December 08, 2004 | site related | share[]
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