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Facing My Face

I was always the ugliest child among my friends.

The girls in my group were nothing short of drop dead gorgeous and they'd make sure to remind me of the difference in the quality of our looks. Ever since the time I heard a guy mention how I was the only ugly person they hung out with, I couldn't look myself in the mirror without the word 'ugly' sprinting to my mind.

About two years ago, I cut my hair. I'd been growing it since the fifth grade and it was weak and difficult to manage. Since then, I cut my hair maybe twenty times. I dyed it to dark brown, auburn, orangish red, dirty blonde, deep red and now I'm once again trying to become blonde. And I've decided to start a peace process between my face and me.

Now I stare at the mirror for a while and try to see what my face tells me. My eyes remind me of my dad. They are a light brown with darker tones on the edges, a sign of my middle eastern heritage. The little lines on the corner of my eyes are getting deeper: a sign of my increasing happiness. I see lines across my forehead, a sign of my continuous worrying. When I smile, thick lines form around my nose and a tiny dimple appears on the left side of my face.

I have nice teeth. I never had to wear braces and they've always been straight. My face has somewhat grown into my large ears and my haircut mostly hides how much they stick out. Even my nose says something important. It's a symbol of more of my roots, Jewish ones. The purple marks under my eyes insist that I don't get any sleep no matter how many hours I may lay in bed. When I'm sad, my eyebrows curl up in the weirdest of arches. My hair reminds me that I'm learning to let go.

I'm learning to look at myself and see something besides 'ugly'. I see my family, my background, signs of my happiness and characteristics. And I smile.

I think I'll keep this face, even if it is 'ugly'. It's mine.

What does your face tell you about yourself?

Previously? Audience.

May 03, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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