solvang, california
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Face Lift

I've had the orange look since December 2001. There were many things I liked about it. I liked the uplifting orange. I liked the flexibility of the three-column design. I liked the fact that I got to see my nephews every time I visited my web page. I liked that I was able to display a lot of information on the same page and still feel like it wasn't overly cluttered. Unlike my previous design, I didn't get tired of it instantly. But it's been over two years. Much has changed in my life since the orange design came about.

I found myself thinking more and more about a design change in the last few months. I wanted to be able to put up pictures of beautiful California and the different states we visited this summer. I wanted to encourage myself to take more pictures. I wanted the design to be simpler. I wanted to remove the thousand links I had somehow accumulated on the left column. The down side of this design means you may have to click through two pages to get to some of the content but I think that's worth the simplicity.

All the other pages are still in the old design and will be updated little by little in the coming month. Let me know what you think of the new look.

February 03, 2004 | previous | site related | share[]
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