helen woodward animal center, rancho santa fe
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Exposing More

I've spent the last few weeks thinking about photography and wondering whether I should post bigger pictures on the main page. I wanted to push myself to take more pictures and to get more feedback on them so I can learn to be a better photographer. I also wanted to update my site even on days when I don't have much to say or I am too busy to post a long entry. So I've decided to make the pictures bigger and to post the "story" of the picture, if and when there is one as a comment next to the picture. This way regular visitors can see something new almost daily, and read something new as often as I have something interesting to say. And also, pictures get their own comments so we can differentiate between them and the thoughts.

As always feel free to let me know what you think.

March 12, 2004 | site related | share[]
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