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End of the Web?

Just in case you were thinking life is getting better, I'm here to assure you that's not the case. Saturday, Jake made some real yummy Spanish rice for me and I decided to end my meal with the most delicious chocolate on this planet. As I'm enjoying this decadence, I notice something crunchy. I take out pieces of what look like bone from my mouth but decide not to worry. I'm enjoying my chocolate now and I can't be bothered. Until four seconds later when my chocolate experience is over and I feel something funny in my mouth.

Guess what?

It wasn't a bone. I ate my filling. I had a temporary crown filling on the upper left corner of my mouth and it's no longer there. I now have a huge hole in that very spot. I contact my dentist who tells me not to eat anything hot or cold until I can get into his office. So here I am, still couch-bound and now with a pounding tooth as well as the grinding, stinging feeling on my back.

Loving life!

I remember that when I read Meg's comments, I was thinking about how much I agree. It's amazing how much and quickly I've managed to integrate many web-based services into my life. I don't want them to go away. Having read Heather and Caterina in the last two days, I feel like things are slipping and I want to hold on. As much as I've enjoyed taking advantage of the Internet boom on a user level, I'm not and never really have been a true part of the web-based career world. Considering the highly technical school I attended, it’s weird but I can only think of one real close friend who started his own firm and ended up selling it to a bigger company, making a lot of money as a result. I remember being extremely happy for him. This friend worked extremely hard, developed a great piece of software and got what he deserved. While I laughed at the other people buying stock in companies that barely existed, I marveled in my friend’s good fortune.

Besides him, I don't have any close friends who work in the Internet industry, so I haven't had the annoying conversations with millionaires who certainly don't deserve it and I don't know anything about the stupid VCs who accelerated and augmented everything. I also don't personally know the people who are now losing their jobs because of the hype. I understand that some ideas were stupid and should never have gotten funded but some of the others were great and should stay around. It's not fair that we're in this 'all or nothing' move. How can all the Internet or web based companies be bundled into one thing? Why does it have to be that they are all worth millions or nothing?

It's weird. My life doesn't depend on it, neither does my job or the jobs of my close friends, but reading all the recent comments, I feel frustrated and angry. I don't want this to go away. I don't want people to give up. The amount of creativity that has exploded in the last few years had made my life so much better that the idea of not having it makes me truly depressed.

For those of you who did know a millionaire snotty friend who got rich from holding stocks or options on a moronic idea, you can now rest in peace that those days are over and the fact that you didn't take that road did finally pay off. But for all the others, I'm praying that your good intentions and amazing courage will pay off, too.

Cause you deserve it.


December 11, 2000 | previous | web & weblog | share[]
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