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Empty Nest

More Than Words
Yesterday's lyric: "I just don't understand how you can smile with all those tears in your eyes." was from Everclear's Wonderful.

Here's today's lyric: "Trying to make some sense of it all, but I can see that it makes no sense at all."

Know the source? Mail me.

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Goody Links
I can't imagine there's anyone who reads my page and doesn't read MetaFilter, but I figured I should mention it anyhow. Since I read it often, I don't repost the links on my page. If you want neat links with interesting discussions, check it out.

If you want food for thought, checkout inequality.org. It's a site created by a bunch of journalists, writers and researchers. It's nonprofit and tries to cover information that isn't widely covered by the media. I also like their quotes.

Last night, Jake was away recruiting in Baltimore and the house didn't feel the same to me. Most nights, at least one of us comes home really late so that we don't get to spend a lot of time together, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, he's always there, sleeping. Knowing that gives me a level of comfort that I just came to take for granted.

September 27, 2000 | previous | links | share[]
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