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Elizabeth Gilbert's fantastic memoir was exactly what I needed to read. Eat, Pray, Love : One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia is a very quick read, but don't let its humorous tone fool you. It's a book that makes you look into your own soul and think about the life you're living. At least, it did for me. I loved her writing. It never got in the way of the story. I loved the way she told her very sad story with great humor so that you never felt sorry for her. I felt like the author was instantly likable. I loved all three sections and all the characters in the book. I've never had an interest in traveling to India or Indonesia (I wasn't against the idea just never felt compelled to go) but now I would love to. I am hoping to go back to practicing yoga and I truly think that sitting quietly and smiling for an hour each day may change my life for the better. Looking deep into myself is something I should do regularly. But now I am just blabbing.

There are many articles about this book all over the net. I had never heard of it until my friend Nicole read it and recommended it. I read it in a few days and loved every single moment of it. It's not for everyone (especially if you're not spiritual at all) but it's quite a marvelous book for some people. Including me.

With this little entry, we finally catch up to all the books I've read this year so far. I'm currently reading another memoir "The Glass Castle" which, so far, is great. With the exception of Lolita, this has so far been a year of great books. I hope to keep it up.

April 17, 2006 | literature | share[]
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