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Don't Pass Go

Life offers us different opportunities at different times.

I mean we have a series of opportunities that are in front of us everyday but, once in a while, something major comes up. An opportunity that someone else or some other situation made available for you. Something completely unexpected. Something that, if it worked for you, would make you leap and not just take another step towards your goal. Every now and then, such an opportunity emerges and if you don't take notice, it slips right by you.

And here's what I think: You should never let an opportunity like that slip by.

And I don't mean you should seize it either. Sometimes, even if the opportunity comes your way, it might not be the best thing for you. Let's say you're offered a trip to the destination of your dreams. Since this is my site, we'll say that place is Antarctica. Someone comes up to me tomorrow and tells me that I can go to Antarctica in January. All expenses paid, a month-long trip where I get to pet penguins. After jumping up and down for several hours, I think it would be a good idea for me to have a serious think about it.

Every opportunity comes at a cost. This Antarctica offer would mean that I need to quit my job or at least take an unpaid leave. It could mean I would have to leave Jake for a month. And there may be many other downsides to this otherwise amazing-seeming offer. So I'm not saying that jumping on it is the best move.

What I am saying is that it's crucial to consider it. A major opportunity like that doesn't come often and if you let one pass you by, there's no guarantee it will come your way again. At least not soon. So instead of saying how what a bummer it is that I got the chance to go to Antarctica but couldn't do it, if I sat down and had a serious think about it, I might not regret it.

If I considered all sides of the matter, then regardless of the decision I make, I know that I didn't let the opportunity go unnoticed. I know that no matter how the outcome turns out, at the time, I thought I was making the right decision. In the end, even if I made the wrong decision, I still think that's better than not making one.

I guess it's all about control. When you let things pass you by, you're giving up the chance to control your destiny.( isn't that an oxymoron, 'controlling your destiny.') It's true that if things don't work out, you can say "I didn't choose to do this, the decision was made for me." but is that how you want to live your life? Isn't there a point after which we need to get on the driver's seat and say "This is my life and it's short and I am here to make it the most it can be."

We all get one life to live, at least one that we remember at any point in time, and don't you want to be holding the reins to your life?

Previously? Tracking Happiness.

December 04, 2001 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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