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Don't Follow

When was the last time you took a look at your own life and revisited some of the choices you made?

Time passes so quickly, especially when you're busy, that many of us get caught up in the day-to-day life and never take the time to sit back and look at the big picture. We never take a breath and say "Am I in the job I've always dreamt of?" or "What kind of compromises have I made and have I made them consciously?"

Anne Tyler's new novel has a main character who wakes up one morning and realizes that her life has completely gone off track. She sits back and starts envisioning what sort of life she would have had had she not derailed back when she did.

Another recent book I read talks about how a frog will jump back out when thrown into a boiling point of water, but how if you put the frog in cold water and then heat the water slowly it will sit there forever, until he's fully cooked.

Both made me think of how we lose track of things so quickly and rarely take the time to take a peek at the big picture. This applies to most anything in our daily life: relationships, career, friendships, priorities, etc. Unless some major disaster occurs, many people live the days one day at a time and try to make it through that one day without too much grief. Once the day's over, we're all too relieved to have made it.

These books made me think and try to take a big picture look at my life. Especially since I've been thinking and planning some major changes in my life, I decided it was crucial to take a look at my life and how much of it is a result of my actively trying versus just falling into the situation. This way, as I plan the next steps of my life, I can take the effort and moment to ensure I can get back on the road or consciously make the derailed path my new choice.

It's completely fine to change your ideas, priorities and even mind. You're welcome to want to travel the world one day and get married the next. You can move from being a programmer to a musician and then go study psychology. You can date men and then women. Anything and everything is conceivable and most things are not beyond the realm of possibility in life.

Just as long as you don't let life drag you along. Take control of your life. Make it what you want it to be. Let your decisions be conscious.

Lead the Way.

June 03, 2001 | previous | pet peeve | share[]
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