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DD - DAY 23
Today was a full day. This morning David wanted to eat Jello really badly. I told him that he couldn't and then changed my mind (yes it's bad IDEA!) but then he said "Mommy, I so happy" and it totally made my day. He didn't just say "I happy," he said "I so happy." Then, we took him to get his hearing tested. Since he is speech delayed and some of his articulation is off, multiple people asked us to get him tested. The testers were wonderful with him, even though he did eventually get completely fed up with it. Today's David photo is him asking me "really nicely" whether he can have Jello. The rest are from the audiologist and more from the Jello time.

I love you so much, David. I so happy, too.

January 25, 2008 | daily david photo | share[]
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