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First day of school. Since most of his classmates are the same as last year and he knows his teacher really well, David didn't have any problem adjusting to school today. It was fun watching him go right in and play.

The tears came much later when I went to pick him up and he realized he wasn't having lunch at school anymore. He was angry and crying. I tried to explain to him that he'd be home with me and Nathaniel but he didn't like it one bit.

Nathaniel watched him in awe as he played with all the toys and hugged all of his classmates.

I feel so lucky that he loves school so much. I hope that wherever he ends up going next year for kindergarten, he makes good, solid friends and loves his teachers just as much.

Exactly one week from today, I start work. After five and a half months of maternity it will be interesting going back to work. I am anxious yet excited.

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