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The greatest thing about the age in which we live, if you ask me, is video chat. Today, Jake, Nathaniel, David and I got to chat with my sister, my mom, my nephews, my grandmothers, and my dad all at the same time. It was the most awesome, wonderful moments I've had in weeks. I just love that we can all see each other even though we're miles and miles and oceans apart. So thankful for technology.

I had been waiting for today for weeks. For the last two months, I hated my hair. I hated touching it. Looking at it. I just hated everything about it. I hadn't been able to dye it cause of the pregnancy and nursing but the doctor finally gave me the go-ahead and I needed this cut so badly. So today I finally went to the hair dresser and it was worth every single penny.

So please indulge me as I share a few photos of me and Nathaniel.

This one was homework for the great Mondo Beyondo class I just finished. It's important for me to remember this. I am not alone.

Don't we both look so happy?

On Friday, I made this long, scary list of todo items for the weekend. I was so stressed just looking at it. And you know what? I did every single one of the items on my list!! Wee!!!

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