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Daddy's back and it has brought much rejoicing into our household. It's wonderful to have our wholefamily together. David was so happy, he kept giving him hugs all day long.

I had planned to take the whole day off and just relax and be with Jake and David and not worry about getting things done and it's been a lovely day so far. Despite the strong heartburn, I feel calmer and more positive than yesterday.

The household is quiet as everyone takes a nap and relaxes on this Sunny Sunday. I finished the latest Grisham novel I was reading and honestly it was so bad that by the end of it I was mad at him for taking my time and wasting it like that. Who wants a "whoddunnit" novel that doesn't actually tell you who did it. What a waste of hours I won't ever get back.

Off to read another book and take a short nap myself. Hope you're having a happy weekend.

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