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David doesn't have a fever anymore but he still has a running nose and his lips are chapped and he has a tiny dot on his nose that he's been scratching (hence the band-aid). The lips are why he's making that funny face. He's still so cute if you ask me.

Today's a long day. I will be in class all day, so Jake's going to have to pickup David. Let's see if I can stay awake all day and manage to sit in the chair without too much pain.

I spent hours last night working on an upcoming creative therapy catalyst. I painted and cut and glued and I was so happy. It's been a while since I've felt that surge of joy that comes from doing something artistic so it was really fun. I love making the tags each week so I decided I wanted to see if I can transfer that joy to the catalysts too. Last night, it worked. We'll see if I can do it again.

Happy Thursday.

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