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Today was pajama day at David's school. Hence the Hulk pajamas under his jacket. He's finally feeling back to his own self and I am so thankful. Everyone feeling better is exactly how I like it.

Mondays are my craziest days and today was no exception so I am happy that it's finally over. This week will go fast but will also be full cause I am going out tomorrow and I have a class Thursday and Friday that goes late into the evening. This will mean that I will feel wiped by the end of the week. I just need to take some time tomorrow and get organized for the week and then things should go smoothly.

Still thinking a lot about relationships and friends and how much work things are. I am still hearing sad stories from friends and strangers and it's making me wonder about how hard it is to stay together, to keep the communication going, to make sure to check in with each other and not let things rot. Because letting it deterirorate is a from of giving up. It's sneaky cause it doesn't feel like you gave up since it wasn't a conscious action but in the end it achieves the same result. Especially sad to see a family with kids falling apart. Happening a bit too often lately.

Anyhow, on to happier things....Happy Monday!

February 23, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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