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Today was my doctor's appointment and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat while David perused the toys in the magazines at the office and asked me if I can buy him each of the toys there. All is well with the baby and supposedly the contractions are perfectly normal so I am not worrying about a thing. That's that.

I was worried that lately I haven't been eating that healthy so I decided to have some soup last night and the baby was like "Are you kidding me?" so the soup didn't even get to sit in my tummy for more than 6 minutes. So much for being healthy. Won't try that one again. And here's to those who say nausea goes away after the first trimester. I am almost 8 months now and even with the medication, I still hugged the toilet last night, thank you very much.

Anyhow, on to nicer things. The rain has finally subsided in beautiful Palo Alto so we can see some sunshine now. David's temperature has also finally stayed 98.6 for almost 24 hours now. Things are finally looking up. Hope you're having a happy Friday.

February 20, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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