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David was feeling better last night but since he has to be well for 24 hours before he goes to school, Jake stayed home with him today and I went to work and it was a long long day with back to back meetings. And then David's fever spiked again to over 103 so I took him to the doctor again and still no infections anywhere so we're back to square one with Motrin and hoping it gets better. My turn to be home tomorrow.

On the way home from the doctor's I got several Braxton Hicks contractions. Really strong ones. I didn't realize they come so soon. Still got the heartburn, too so it's been party-central here...Off to lie down and relax now.

Oh, and, Happy happy happy happy birthday my friend Cole, Alcor, Nicholas, Jack. Hope you had a marvelous one!

February 18, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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