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Jake brought this little bamboo piece home months ago and it's been sitting in a glass in shallow water for months, living. To me, this is a miracle. I have the brownest thumb I know; I kill all plants. Even the ones hard to kill. But this little one has been living for a long time, quietly and persistantly.

David's still sick. 102. I wish I knew what was wrong. Actually, I wish he'd get better so I can stop worrying altogether. While we're at that, I also wish my heartburn would go away. I'm not a fan of it. I think five days in a row of both of us being alone and a little or a lot sick is finally getting to me, so I am feeling a bit restless today. Not to mention the 303 emails in my inbox that need attention....

Here's a snap of the little boy from this morning. Sick but still as cute as ever.

I know I've been whining a lot lately and thank you for putting up with me. While I'm not at the best physical shape, I'm actually doing quite well emotionally and psychologically. I feel calm and peaceful. I love feeling the baby kick and while I'm not experiencing the huge excitement some mothers seem to have when expecting, I know this is not alarming. I never did have it with David either and I was worried then but I am not now. If I love this baby half as much as I love David, he or she will be much loved. And I know I am going to love her or him at least as much so I am not worried.

And just so you don't think you're leaving without a tulip shot:

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

February 17, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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