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This is David at the doctor's. Look at those piercing eyes. Even with pinkeye, he looks amazing. I took him to the doctor today cause last night as I put him to bed, I realized he was burning up and it turned out he had a temperature of 102. When I looked it up online, it said pinkeye and temperature together could mean ear infection so I figured better safe than sorry. I think I jinxed him by telling the doctor how healthy he's been when I took him in for the yearly checkup last week. Oh well. He has no infections and the fever is down a bit today so we'll see how tomorrow is.

I seem to be doing ok today, gave up on trying to be super-productive and just taking it easy. Resting, relaxing, and reading. And just in case you thought I might be done with the tulips, I bought a purple bunch today so expect some more photos later this week.

Happy Monday!

February 16, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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