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One of the toys David got for his birthday was Stomp Rockets and he's been waiting to play with them for a week but I wanted to make sure Jake was around when he did so finally this morning, we were able to play. Even though one of them already got stuck on the roof, David enjoyed every moment of it. After we finished, he hugged Daddy to thank him and to say good-bye since Jake's leaving for the weekend. I love these Daddy-David moments so very much.

David and I get to have four days at home together since his school is closed today and on Monday. We have some fun activities planned but I am hoping we'll take it easy for most of it since I could use some quality rest time. Oh and he woke up with conjunctivits this morning which means I will likely get it soon, yey! In all honesty, despite the heart burn, nausea, and exhaustion, I am feeling quite relaxed and peaceful.

Happy Friday.

and one more tulip love.

February 13, 2009 | previous | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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