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Another one of the little boy. You know I will have a lot of those this year. See the crooked smile again? When I ask him if I can take his photo, he immediately dons this face. This is on the way to school. He likes to run down this road and this morning he had a small snack of pretzels and wouldn't let go of them as he ran.

Things have been hectic in 2009 already. Working on a big dream I had that is so far promising to come true before the little one arrives. Christmas tree is still up and I just decided I am not ready to take it down yet, so there. Other than that life is same old same old here. I am really exhausted the last two days, not sure if it's the pregnancy, the hours of work I'm putting into the aforementioned dream, or the fact that David's been waking up in the middle of the night and requesting hugs and kisses. Either way, I am glad the weekend is coming soon.

January 08, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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